Friday, August 24, 2007
Clips from the play, The King & I, that I wanted to see, but unfortunately didn't get to attend this time around. One of my favorite (lesser known, but very talented) actors, Paolo Montalban, is featured as "Lun Tha". Nice clip of "I Have Dreamed." :) Lorenzo Lamas is playing the King, btw. I had no idea that he could sing! lol
The verdict is...
It's nice. I like the mp3 player so far. I haven't figured out all of the features yet, but I did figure out how to install it (very user-friendly so far) and upload some songs. I already have a huge playlist going (a bunch of things I had saved on my computer for a long time) and have been listening all day. :) What fun! It'll be great to finally delete a bunch of files from my computer so that I have more room on it. :) I haven't ventured into downloading any audiobooks yet, as I'm a bit apprehensive about doing it since I'm on dialup internet at home. I'll let you know how that goes though if I decide to check it out at some point. :)
Ciao for now!
Ciao for now!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wahoo! Hooray! Woohoo! Yippee! *Dances with glee*
My MP3 player for completing "23 Things" has arrived today. I will let you all know my thoughts on it in the next entry, once I get a chance to try it out. :)
Thanks to our liason, Gail, and everyone in charge of the program, for the cool prize. I hope it comes in handy (which I'm sure it will, assuming I can get it to work on my computer. *Crossing fingers* ).
Monday, August 20, 2007
Harry Potter Survey! :-)
WARNING! This contains SPOILERS for Deathly Hallows (and other books in the series, for those of you who are still reading!). Read the following at your own risk. You have been warned! :-p
What would be your Patronus?
-I don't know. Maybe a dolphin or some kind of bird or something...
What would you want your wand to look like/be made out of?
-Unicorn hair and birchwood (or cherrywood, maybe).
If you could be an animagus what animal would you be?
-A hummingbird or a tiger.
Would you join the D.A?
Who was the character you hated the most in the books?
- *Cough* Toadface! *Cough* Er...I mean -- Umbridge. *Whistles innocently*
Who were the characters you loved the most?
- Heh..that's a toughy. I liked several characters a lot for different reasons.
What character are you most like and how?
-Luna or Tonks.
What house would you be in at Hogwarts?
-I think I established from work that I'd be a Ravenclaw.
What was your favorite store in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley?
-Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and (I can't remember the name of it at the moment) whatever the sweet shop in Hogsmeade was called.
If you could play Quidditch what position would you play?
- Probably Seeker
Would you honestly eat the kidney pie?
- Ehh I'd probably taste it, but I don't know if I'd eat a whole slice unless I liked it lol.
Dark mark or D.A "Galleon"?
- Galleon. Did anyone actually answer Dark Mark? I want to know, haha.
What magical creature was your favorite (ex. centaurs,house elves,etc)
- I'm not sure. There were several that I liked.
At the moment if you walked by the room of requirement what would it turn into?
-Somewhere comfy to sleep (because I'm tired at the moment).
What would be your boggart?
-Probably wasps or something similar.
What was your reaction to the Ron and Hermionie "thing" in book 7?
-I was amused and probably said something like "About damn time" lmao...
If Thestrals were real could you see one (meaning have you seen someone die)
-Probably not. I knew people who passed away, but I don't think I've ever SEEN a person die.
What memory would play over and over again in your mind if a dementor got too near to you?
-Something fun and happy to keep it away.
What would you see in the mirror of Erised?
-Me sucessfully in a career that I love and happily married all of my life with many wonderful children and to die peacefully surrounded by family as an old lady.
Are you Brave like Harry, Funny like Ron, or Intelligent like Hermione?
-Maybe a mixture.
Which of the Deathly Hollows would you choose (the cloak, the stone, or the wand)?
-Probably the cloak (that could be fun!) or maybe the stone.
Would you be a member of S.P.E.W.?
Out of the Marauders map, Sirius's dagger, and a Sneakoscope, what would you choose?
-the Marauders map.
What pet would you take with you to Hogwarts (toad, cat, owl, etc)?
-owl. :-)
Who was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
What subject would you like to teach at Hogwarts?
-Maybe charms. Flitwick's classes always sounded like fun.
On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the worst) how depressed are you that the series is over?
- 5-6
Which was the best movie so far?
-I haven't seen 5, but I'm going to say number 1. The movies really don't live up to the books for me. I get a bit disapointed with them.
Which character do you wish was real and you could befriend?
-I'm not sure.
Would you enter your name in the triwizard cup?
-I don't think so lol.
Who do u want to marry or date?
-Umm...Sirius, maybe. Or Snape, if he washes his hair. :-p Mwahahaha!
Whose death out of all the characters upset you the most?
- Psst...*SPOILER ALERT!* :-P
Sirius, Dobby, Fred, Snape, and Cedric's. :-( They were all extremely unexpected to me. Oh, and I was kinda mad about Hedwig.
What would be your Patronus?
-I don't know. Maybe a dolphin or some kind of bird or something...
What would you want your wand to look like/be made out of?
-Unicorn hair and birchwood (or cherrywood, maybe).
If you could be an animagus what animal would you be?
-A hummingbird or a tiger.
Would you join the D.A?
Who was the character you hated the most in the books?
- *Cough* Toadface! *Cough* Er...I mean -- Umbridge. *Whistles innocently*
Who were the characters you loved the most?
- Heh..that's a toughy. I liked several characters a lot for different reasons.
What character are you most like and how?
-Luna or Tonks.
What house would you be in at Hogwarts?
-I think I established from work that I'd be a Ravenclaw.
What was your favorite store in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley?
-Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and (I can't remember the name of it at the moment) whatever the sweet shop in Hogsmeade was called.
If you could play Quidditch what position would you play?
- Probably Seeker
Would you honestly eat the kidney pie?
- Ehh I'd probably taste it, but I don't know if I'd eat a whole slice unless I liked it lol.
Dark mark or D.A "Galleon"?
- Galleon. Did anyone actually answer Dark Mark? I want to know, haha.
What magical creature was your favorite (ex. centaurs,house elves,etc)
- I'm not sure. There were several that I liked.
At the moment if you walked by the room of requirement what would it turn into?
-Somewhere comfy to sleep (because I'm tired at the moment).
What would be your boggart?
-Probably wasps or something similar.
What was your reaction to the Ron and Hermionie "thing" in book 7?
-I was amused and probably said something like "About damn time" lmao...
If Thestrals were real could you see one (meaning have you seen someone die)
-Probably not. I knew people who passed away, but I don't think I've ever SEEN a person die.
What memory would play over and over again in your mind if a dementor got too near to you?
-Something fun and happy to keep it away.
What would you see in the mirror of Erised?
-Me sucessfully in a career that I love and happily married all of my life with many wonderful children and to die peacefully surrounded by family as an old lady.
Are you Brave like Harry, Funny like Ron, or Intelligent like Hermione?
-Maybe a mixture.
Which of the Deathly Hollows would you choose (the cloak, the stone, or the wand)?
-Probably the cloak (that could be fun!) or maybe the stone.
Would you be a member of S.P.E.W.?
Out of the Marauders map, Sirius's dagger, and a Sneakoscope, what would you choose?
-the Marauders map.
What pet would you take with you to Hogwarts (toad, cat, owl, etc)?
-owl. :-)
Who was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
What subject would you like to teach at Hogwarts?
-Maybe charms. Flitwick's classes always sounded like fun.
On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the worst) how depressed are you that the series is over?
- 5-6
Which was the best movie so far?
-I haven't seen 5, but I'm going to say number 1. The movies really don't live up to the books for me. I get a bit disapointed with them.
Which character do you wish was real and you could befriend?
-I'm not sure.
Would you enter your name in the triwizard cup?
-I don't think so lol.
Who do u want to marry or date?
-Umm...Sirius, maybe. Or Snape, if he washes his hair. :-p Mwahahaha!
Whose death out of all the characters upset you the most?
- Psst...*SPOILER ALERT!* :-P
Sirius, Dobby, Fred, Snape, and Cedric's. :-( They were all extremely unexpected to me. Oh, and I was kinda mad about Hedwig.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Week 9, Thing 23...Summarizing my thoughts.
Hooray, I've finally completed 23 Things! I'm going to go ahead and answer the questions individually as they were listed on the site. :)
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorites were creating my blog, Flickr mashups, creating my own virtual shelf on Library Thing, and Youtube.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I learned a bit more about technology than I would've otherwise and it made me feel more knowledgable and confident in helping others, as well. Several of the sites listed I hadn't heard about before.I think the program also taught me a bit more about working towards goals within a certain amount of time. I liked how everything was set for me, week-by-week, because I'm generally a bit disorganized when it comes to doing activities in this manner. It also helped me in my 7 & 1/2 Habits. Although I'm still uncomfortable about viewing problems as challenges, I am less uncomfortable about it than I was before.
3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Not really, but I think I was surprised at how much I didn't know about sites that existed.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Maybe include a few more tutorials for some of the more difficult exercises. Other than that, I think it's fine so far as it is.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
I might participate again if they included some fun, user-friendly, activities (and incentives?).
6. How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?
There isn't much to say except that I enjoyed the experience and the explanations on each Discovery exercise page were mostly pretty helpful. I had fun doing this, this summer! :)
In conclusion, if my fellow co-workers (like Craig) end up keeping their blogs, I might just keep using this blog to keep in touch with everyone. This has been fun this summer, and broke-up a bit of the usual things I do at work each year. I even told several of my friends about the program, in hopes that they might learn a litte bit of something new about technology, as well. I'm glad I participated in this.
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorites were creating my blog, Flickr mashups, creating my own virtual shelf on Library Thing, and Youtube.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I learned a bit more about technology than I would've otherwise and it made me feel more knowledgable and confident in helping others, as well. Several of the sites listed I hadn't heard about before.I think the program also taught me a bit more about working towards goals within a certain amount of time. I liked how everything was set for me, week-by-week, because I'm generally a bit disorganized when it comes to doing activities in this manner. It also helped me in my 7 & 1/2 Habits. Although I'm still uncomfortable about viewing problems as challenges, I am less uncomfortable about it than I was before.
3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Not really, but I think I was surprised at how much I didn't know about sites that existed.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Maybe include a few more tutorials for some of the more difficult exercises. Other than that, I think it's fine so far as it is.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
I might participate again if they included some fun, user-friendly, activities (and incentives?).
6. How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?
There isn't much to say except that I enjoyed the experience and the explanations on each Discovery exercise page were mostly pretty helpful. I had fun doing this, this summer! :)
In conclusion, if my fellow co-workers (like Craig) end up keeping their blogs, I might just keep using this blog to keep in touch with everyone. This has been fun this summer, and broke-up a bit of the usual things I do at work each year. I even told several of my friends about the program, in hopes that they might learn a litte bit of something new about technology, as well. I'm glad I participated in this.
Week 9, Thing 22
I liked the look of Overdrive, from watching the tutorial. It looked somewhat user-friendly and I liked the design of the site. I tried to find several different authors and book titles from Project Gutenberg without any success, unforunately. As I'm currently on a dialup internet at home, I don't see myself downloading audio books personally. I think I'd prefer to get audio books the old fashioned way in the physical sense, by checking one out at my local library. Still, it's nice to have this as a possibility for other folks. :)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hello, Mr. Battery-Eater...Goodbye, Extra $ (Ranting)
That lovely little portable cd player that I bought the other month has so far turned out to have been more trouble than it's probably worth. It seems that this particular cd player continues to use up the batteries even while I'm not playing it, causing it to die almost immediately after I go to play a disc. This was foreign to me as it had never happened with any of my previous players. I suppose I'm going to have to resort to taking the batteries out each and everytime I finish using the cd player. What a pain!
That lovely little portable cd player that I bought the other month has so far turned out to have been more trouble than it's probably worth. It seems that this particular cd player continues to use up the batteries even while I'm not playing it, causing it to die almost immediately after I go to play a disc. This was foreign to me as it had never happened with any of my previous players. I suppose I'm going to have to resort to taking the batteries out each and everytime I finish using the cd player. What a pain!
Week 9, Thing 21: Podcasts!
This was kinda cool, although I initially had trouble figuring out how to find the RSS for a podcast. I selected 2 podcasts from Yahoo Podcasts. The first was a Phantom of the Opera podcast appropriately titled Phancast. The other was a Harry Potter audio called Snapecast, which featured a male host whose voice (no offense, it works for this particular podcast lol) reminded me a bit of the type of voice you'd expect a creepy funeral director who doesn't get out much, to have! :p Both of these podcasts can be found in my bloglines account. My bloglines account link is still located on the sidebar of my blog for your convenience. It looks like various libraries are finding some interesting ways to use podcasting. In my searching, I discovered that there are interviews with authors, tutorials for staff and patrons, booktalks, stories being read, library news, and that's only a few of the ways libraries use podcasts. I guess podcasts ARE pretty useful!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Backstreet's Back, All Right. LOL
...Or atleast MOST of them are back. *COUGH* lol,,20050293,00.html
The new single, "Inconsolable," isn't too shabby, though I was craving an uptempo for the first single - I wanted something I could shake my booty to lol. The one thing I don't like too much? I'm missing Kevin's voice and presence. The harmonies sound a bit hollow/shallow without him. WAAAAHH *Cries*. I wish him well though. I'll admit, I'm not super excited about the album yet, but hearing a rumor that it's supposed to be similar to Millennium gives me a tiny glimmer of hope. I MIGHT hit up the promo tour (maybe) with one of my best friends, Aleisha, if there's a locale available to us, and I can fit it into my schedule and have the $ to go, etc.
Ciao for now!,,20050293,00.html
The new single, "Inconsolable," isn't too shabby, though I was craving an uptempo for the first single - I wanted something I could shake my booty to lol. The one thing I don't like too much? I'm missing Kevin's voice and presence. The harmonies sound a bit hollow/shallow without him. WAAAAHH *Cries*. I wish him well though. I'll admit, I'm not super excited about the album yet, but hearing a rumor that it's supposed to be similar to Millennium gives me a tiny glimmer of hope. I MIGHT hit up the promo tour (maybe) with one of my best friends, Aleisha, if there's a locale available to us, and I can fit it into my schedule and have the $ to go, etc.
Ciao for now!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Week 9, Thing 20: Youtube
I love Youtube. Although I've never personally uploaded a video, I've been using it for quite sometime on my own, usually to find videos of muscians or actors that I like, vintage TV clips of shows no longer on the air, clips from plays or concerts, and music videos. My friends and I love swapping video links to amuse each other on a regular basis. I could see Youtube being helpful to library websites in a number of ways. Perhaps we could film library events and/or storytimes and have them for viewing on the page. Maybe we could even post tutorials for a number of different procedures for librarians and patrons, alike. The following clip is a video of the song "Music Of The Night" from a stage production of The Phantom of the Opera, as sung by Howard McGillin (sp?). I chose this video because Howard played the Phantom when I went to see the show on Broadway in 2006, so it was nice to sort of relive the experience. I'm intrigued by the stage direction of this particular performance as Erik (the Phantom) completely seduces Christine with his voice and charms, to the point where they come very close to kissing. It appears to be a very tender performance between Howard and Sandra Joseph (Christine). I hope you enjoy the video! :)
Friday, August 3, 2007
Week 8, Thing 19: Web 2.0 Awards list
I'm a huge fan of of music, so I decided to select a winning site from the Web 2.0 list, called Pandora. I'd never heard of Pandora so I wasn't familiar with its features at all. I did a search for a couple of artists. Two of the artists were found immediately, and one artist's search results yielded not the artist herself, but the artist's mother (the more famous of the two, so I suppose that's okay lol). It appears that you can create an account for yourself and have your own radio stations with whichever artists that you wish. Checking out the site a little further, I discovered that the site will even give you results of other similar artists that might fit your music tastes. It appears that once you sample songs from a certain album it gives you the option of being directed to a site to purchase the full cd if you so desire. This looks like a decent site, although I'm not sure if I'd use it on a regular basis or not as I personally prefer Yahoo! Music (not on the list of winners, which I find interesting), but further use of this site may at some point prove otherwise. I don't really see this being a tool that we librarians would use on a normal basis unless to be used to preview music artists that we might want to buy for future music collections. We might, however, be able to suggest it to patrons who wish to listen to music via headphones, on our free internet terminals.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Week 8, Thing 18
I published something from Zoho, here. That was fun. I think I might be using this in the future when Word Perfect or Word are not available to me.
I love watching Sawyer is my favorite character. "Dorothy Gale" (alias) likes Jack. We think that Ben is very, very creepy. This is my test post.
I love watching Sawyer is my favorite character. "Dorothy Gale" (alias) likes Jack. We think that Ben is very, very creepy. This is my test post.