
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can you hear me NOW?

We got new phones today at work, and they are very complicated. Several of the buttons for different functions look very similar and are not labeled. Took us awhile to figure out how to end a call that was on the intercom. Boy were the patrons confused when the phone started ringing ALL OVER THE BRANCH. Teeheehee. I hope to learn it better, soon! :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ya Want Salt With That?

Yet another reason why I don't wish to work in fast food. *Twiddles thumbs*


Oversalted burger leads to charges

Sun Sep 9, 2:02 PM ET

UNION CITY, Ga. - A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.

Kendra Bull was arrested Friday, charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and freed on $1,000 bail.

Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt off."

On her break, she ate a burger made with the salty meat. "It didn't make me sick," Bull told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But then Police Officer Wendell Adams got a burger made with the oversalted meat, and he returned a short time later and told the manager it made him sick.

Bull admitted spilling salt on the meat, and Adams took her outside and questioned her, she said.

"If it was too salty, why did (Adams) not take one bite and throw it away?" said Bull, who has worked at the restaurant for five months. She said she didn't know a police officer got one of the salty burgers because she couldn't see the drive-through window from her work area.

Police said samples of the burger were sent to the state crime lab for tests.

City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged because she served the burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it."

Sunday, September 9, 2007


I finished the short story within one night, but never did get around to blogging about it. I've been having issues logging into blogger from home this week for some reason. Anyway, as I said before I finished up the original version of Brokeback Mountain very quickly, and have to say that the movie followed it almost exactly, right down to dialouge. I liked it! :)

I'm still rereading Goblet of Fire, but am taking my time on the series this time around so it'll probably be awhile before I finish it. Probably next up on my current reading list is a book called Vampirates (please remind me to find out who the author is, later), which is a book that Craig handed me from our donations section. It looks to be about exactly what the title hints at - vampires and pirates! Sounds interesting, as I am the PiratePrincess, and enjoy my share of darker subjects like vampires, as well.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Books and Bad Baseball...

I saw a picture yesterday that amused me to no end (I think credit to the photo goes to Yahoo!Sports ?). This is just totally craptastic, lmao. I thought the Orioles had hit an all-time low the other week with that game where the other teamed scored 30 runs, but it's pathetic when fans have to resort to this, to protest:

Ah well, hopefully it'll bring about much better management or something positive (one can dream, right? lol).

The other topic of this blog post...Books. What am I reading this week?

Still rereading the Harry Potter series now (I'm currently on Goblet of Fire), although I've stopped momentarily to read a couple of items that came up on hold for me the other day, one of them being a MARINA loan so I have to read it pretty quickly.

As a fan of the movie Somewhere In Time, I've wanted to read the novel (originally called Bid Time Return, but later changed with the popularity of the film) for the longest time, but could never find it. Thanks to MARINA, I got to read it this weekend. Although I already knew some of the things that were going to be different in the book (I won't say what, incase someone here plans to read it), there were some things that really caught me off guard and pleasantly surprised me that weren't in the movie...Much more face time with Richard Collier and Elise McKenna! :) I felt like the book filled in some major plotholes from the movie, so that was great, too. The book also had some rather funny internal commentary from Richard that had me rolling. This wasn't really expressed in the film, as you usually can't tell what he's thinking except by watching his facial expressions, words, and actions. I have to say that if you're interested in a very beautifully-written, touching story, check out this novel by Richard Matheson. It's definitely a page-turner.

As I write this, I'm beginning the book, Brokeback Mountain. I wanted to read the original short story, by Annie Proulx, which of course later became a touching film starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. ;-) It seems to follow the movie pretty closely so far. I'll give my thoughts on this book in a future post, once I've finished it.

Happy Labor Day Weekend! :)