Week 9, Thing 23...Summarizing my thoughts.
Hooray, I've finally completed 23 Things! I'm going to go ahead and answer the questions individually as they were listed on the site. :)
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorites were creating my blog, Flickr mashups, creating my own virtual shelf on Library Thing, and Youtube.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I learned a bit more about technology than I would've otherwise and it made me feel more knowledgable and confident in helping others, as well. Several of the sites listed I hadn't heard about before.I think the program also taught me a bit more about working towards goals within a certain amount of time. I liked how everything was set for me, week-by-week, because I'm generally a bit disorganized when it comes to doing activities in this manner. It also helped me in my 7 & 1/2 Habits. Although I'm still uncomfortable about viewing problems as challenges, I am less uncomfortable about it than I was before.
3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Not really, but I think I was surprised at how much I didn't know about sites that existed.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Maybe include a few more tutorials for some of the more difficult exercises. Other than that, I think it's fine so far as it is.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
I might participate again if they included some fun, user-friendly, activities (and incentives?).
6. How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?
There isn't much to say except that I enjoyed the experience and the explanations on each Discovery exercise page were mostly pretty helpful. I had fun doing this, this summer! :)
In conclusion, if my fellow co-workers (like Craig) end up keeping their blogs, I might just keep using this blog to keep in touch with everyone. This has been fun this summer, and broke-up a bit of the usual things I do at work each year. I even told several of my friends about the program, in hopes that they might learn a litte bit of something new about technology, as well. I'm glad I participated in this.
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorites were creating my blog, Flickr mashups, creating my own virtual shelf on Library Thing, and Youtube.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I learned a bit more about technology than I would've otherwise and it made me feel more knowledgable and confident in helping others, as well. Several of the sites listed I hadn't heard about before.I think the program also taught me a bit more about working towards goals within a certain amount of time. I liked how everything was set for me, week-by-week, because I'm generally a bit disorganized when it comes to doing activities in this manner. It also helped me in my 7 & 1/2 Habits. Although I'm still uncomfortable about viewing problems as challenges, I am less uncomfortable about it than I was before.
3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Not really, but I think I was surprised at how much I didn't know about sites that existed.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Maybe include a few more tutorials for some of the more difficult exercises. Other than that, I think it's fine so far as it is.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
I might participate again if they included some fun, user-friendly, activities (and incentives?).
6. How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?
There isn't much to say except that I enjoyed the experience and the explanations on each Discovery exercise page were mostly pretty helpful. I had fun doing this, this summer! :)
In conclusion, if my fellow co-workers (like Craig) end up keeping their blogs, I might just keep using this blog to keep in touch with everyone. This has been fun this summer, and broke-up a bit of the usual things I do at work each year. I even told several of my friends about the program, in hopes that they might learn a litte bit of something new about technology, as well. I'm glad I participated in this.
At August 17, 2007 at 2:26 PM ,
Gail Griffith said...
I've enjoyed reading your blog--and I hope YOU will enjoy using your new MP3 player to download audiobooks at the library!
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